
Petroleum Refining

Turnaround Services

Turnaround Project Management, Planning, and Execution is a skill that should not be underestimated. We often see clients put there Turnarounds and Projects in the hands of mechanical contractors that all say the same thing “We are the best, We have the best people, We can do all the work” Later to find out most companies motive is to get as many people off of their overhead and to bill to your company as possible. Most mechanical contractor companies don’t have planners with the mindset of saving the refineries money. This where we come in we are for the best interest of the refinery and we will ensure that you have a tight plan that can be successfully excuted safely and under budget.

Routine Maintenance

As well as supporting Turnaround we also have the ability to support routine maintenace activities. We can provide planners and execution supervisors to ensure units remain online while maintenace work is being done.